Download free breast cancer publications

“If You Have Breast Cancer”
Short, simple guide to help understand the next steps if you or someone you know has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. From the American Cancer Society.

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A 52-page booklet explaining some of the medical terms doctors may use when talking about your cancer and helping you keep track of the specifics of your breast cancer diagnosis and treatment plan. From the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

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A 52-page booklet explaining some of the medical terms doctors may use when talking about your cancer and helping you keep track of the specifics of your breast cancer diagnosis and treatment plan. From the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

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National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines for Patients are developed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an alliance of leading cancer centers across the United States devoted to patient care, research, and education. The Guidelines present information in an easy-to-learn format for people with cancer and those who support them and explain the cancer care options likely to have the best results.

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National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines for Patients are developed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an alliance of leading cancer centers across the United States devoted to patient care, research, and education. The Guidelines present information in an easy-to-learn format for people with cancer and those who support them and explain the cancer care options likely to have the best results.

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National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines for Patients are developed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an alliance of leading cancer centers across the United States devoted to patient care, research, and education. The Guidelines present information in an easy-to-learn format for people with cancer and those who support them and explain the cancer care options likely to have the best results.

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Talking with your doctor about a breast cancer concern can be very scary, especially for Black women who are almost 40% more likely to die from breast cancer than white women.

Here is a 3-page guide with advice from Dr. Monique Gary, DO, Medical Director of the Grand View Health Cancer Program in Pennsylvania, to help you with what to expect – and what not to accept – during your visit at the doctor’s office. From Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.

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Two-page fact sheet about things you should know to understand what breast cancer is, know your chances for getting it, and how to find it early. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

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American Cancer Society. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures for African American/Black People 2022-2024.

American  Association for Cancer Research: Cancer Disparities Research Report 2020

American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures for Hispanics/Latinos 2018-2020. Atlanta: American Cancer Society, 2018

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