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Black women in Georgia more likely than White women to be diagnosed with late-stage cervical cancer

“There are glaring racial disparities in cervical cancer deaths in the U.S.” “Although almost no one should die from cervical cancer, some groups—those that are historically marginalized and neglected in the US, including women of color, women living in poverty, and those without health insurance—die more often than others. There are glaring racial disparities in […]

Black women in Georgia more likely than White women to be diagnosed with late-stage cervical cancer Read More »

Why are Black women more likely to die from cervical cancer?

“There really isn’t a genetic difference that is causing Black women to die at higher rates of cervical cancer,” says Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, MD, a Mayo Clinic urogynecologic surgeon. “It really has to do more with systemic racism. These disparities started way back when and have infiltrated the healthcare system and affected women’s access to resources

Why are Black women more likely to die from cervical cancer? Read More »

Why Hispanic Women Are Still Dying From A Curable Cervical Cancer

Why Hispanic Women Are Still Dying From A Curable Cervical Cancer by Sarah Felbin A lack of health insurance prevents some from regular physician visits. Language is often another obstacle. For women who aren’t proficient in English, medical jargon and pamphlets can be frustrating to receive. Girls grow up without receiving proper sex education, resulting

Why Hispanic Women Are Still Dying From A Curable Cervical Cancer Read More »

Why are Black women more likely to die from cervical cancer?

Why are Black women more likely to die from cervical cancer? “There really isn’t a genetic difference that is causing Black women to die at higher rates of cervical cancer,” says Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, MD, a Mayo Clinic urogynecologic surgeon. “It really has to do more with systemic racism. These disparities started way back when and

Why are Black women more likely to die from cervical cancer? Read More »

“We should not lose another soul to cervical cancer”

“African American women have the highest mortality rate for cervical cancer because we are not getting screened, we are not going to the doctors, we are not taking our health into our own hands,” say Latasha Bostick and Darlene Cook, cervical cancer survivors. “They don’t have a vaccine for breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer.

“We should not lose another soul to cervical cancer” Read More »

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