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Survival with early-onset colorectal cancer improved only among White patients between 1992 and 2013

Five-year survival rates for early-onset colorectal cancer improved over a 20-year period only among White patients, with no improvements for Black, Asian or Hispanic patients, according to a new study of 34,000 men and women. Early-onset colorectal occurs in adults younger than 50.

“Our most stunning finding was that even over this 20-year span, Blacks had not caught up to whites in surviving early-onset colorectal cancer,” said researcher Timothy A. Zaki, MD, of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. “Survival for Blacks diagnosed from 2003 to 2013 remained even lower than for Whites diagnosed a decade earlier.”

Survival from the cancer was lowest for Black men at 57 percent compared with the highest in White women at 71 percent.

The study results were presented at a scientific meeting in May 2022.

See “Black patients ‘not caught up’ to whites in early-onset CRC survival over 20-year period” by Robert Stott on the Healio website (May 23, 2022)

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