Removing obstacles to completing radiation treatment for lung cancer erases survival gap between Black and White patients

Identifying and addressing obstacles that kept patients from finishing radiation treatments for early-stage breast cancer erases the survival gap between Black and white patients, according to a new study led by Matthew A. Manning, MD (above), a radiation oncologist in Greensboro, North Carolina.

The changes included an electronic health record with automatic alerts to flag missed appointments or unmet milestones in expected care; a nurse navigator trained in race-specific barriers to help patients overcome obstacles to care when alerts are flagged; a physician champion, to engage health care teams with race-related feedback on treatment completion; and regular health equity education training sessions for staff.

Among those treated for early-stage lung cancer, survival rates increased from 37% to 54% for Black patients and from 43% to 56% for white patients.

The study findings were presented at the 2021 annual meeting of the Anerican Society for Radiation Oncology.

See “Intervention erases Black-white survival gaps in early-stage lung and breast cancer patients” in the News-Medical.Net website (October 25, 2021)

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